
People building workplaces that attract a crowd

The mechanics of designing for neurodiversity with Michelle Kershaw

Is it possible to support neurodiverse people successfully in the workplace?

I spoke with Michelle Kershaw, independent and neurodiverse consultant and Culture Lead at Kiwibank, about what it’s like to be neurodiverse and how workplaces can do better at making the workplace an attractive proposition for anyone neurodiverse, given10% of the workforce is neurodiverse.

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Being neurodiverse in the workplace with Michelle Kershaw, Culture Lead at Kiwibank

What is neurodiversity and how does it relate to the workplace? Michelle Kershaw is an independent and neurodiverse consultant currently working with Kiwibank as their Culture Lead. Michelle helps workplaces be more attractive to neurodiverse people, including through a collaboration with Remarkable Minds and CCS Cards that will result in a neurodiversity playbook. Michelle discovered her

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Unleashing creativity in hybrid teams with Elise Keith and Dave Mastronardi

Elise Keith and Dave Mastrionardi are running a massive global experiment to define the new rules for work. They’re asking questions about how teams can work best now that we’re managing distance, and co-location. With Elise’s experience in running meetings that work, and Dave’s background in consulting using games, this conversation was bound to

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Casting a vision effectively through story with Parker Lee

It’s not often I talk with a guest who was the agent for a world-class athlete. That makes Parker Lee very interested in high performance – he discovered that it’s the brain, not the way you train, that makes a difference. Parker is now the Global Managing Partner at Territory, a strategy, innovation, transformation

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